Vegas Marble & Granite LTD.

Established stone supplier and Fabricator company looking for customers from SEM and new web design

Vegas Marble & Granite LTD.
Web Design, SEM
more clients from Google Ads Campaign, the previous marketing company did not deliver on proposed leads and new website design.
  A complete makeover of their website and a Google Ads search campaign ran by our PPC specialists.
When we first met with our client they were very hesitant about doing another Google Ads campaign, the reason being, the previous marketing company had failed to deliver the results that they promised. We reassured them with our proven Google Ads experience and strategies that we can bring them more customers than the previous company. We showed them the entire process of a Google Ads Search Campaign, from their Industry online Analysis, keyword and audience research and sample Ad Copy. We also have conversion tracking in place to let them know exactly which leads came from us, therefore there will be no confusion on either end. They were extremely excited about what we showed them in terms of results we can bring them, as were we. 

We started off with a redesign on their current website that is on Wix. We optimized the copy, images and mobile compatibility. While our web design team was working on that, we had our PPC experts work on the Google Ads search campaign for Vegas Marble. Once both were ready we started the campaign.

3 months in, we brought a tremendous amount of new calls and website lead forms. We were able to generate 5 times the amount of leads and 3 times the amount of closed leads than the previous marketing company, compared to their 1-year campaign for Vegas Marble & Granite.

Overall, our client is very satisfied with the results of the Google Ads Campaign thus far. We are looking into doing organic SEO for Vegas Marble, in the future.
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